Monday, March 9, 2009

What I'm Up Too Today/Basic outline of strat/structure writeup

outline update:

i've adjusted my outline considerable since we talked to jo-anne on tuesday because we are providing this information to the shareholders and not some member of the public or the class. I am focusing on key aspects of how the companies strategy and structure impact each other and also how they have shaped the company as this company is clearly derrived from a focus on r&D and delivering the best product, and also how this core product has changed slightly as more people adapt to rim products for a more casual manner now as well as for business solutions as they did previously:

heres my original outline, i should have an almost finished writeup tonight depending on how work is today (im here till 9:30 and my boss is over my shoulder most of the day for some reason!)


§  Functional level strategy

o   Emergent and functional level strategies

o   Mission Statement (developed from past 3 years annual reports

o   Highlight strategies that have been used in the past two build on strengths and correct weaknesses

§  Organizational structure

o   Company based on r&d

§  Value chain

§  Primary activities drive support activates and therefore company infrastructure

§  Primary activities based on r&d are also based locationally (not a real word) which correlates to waterloo location

o   Promotes and Leads to competitive advantage

§  Superior innovation. *and 92 value creation cycle derives location and demand and all other infrastructure/hr etc

I will also start to create a write-up for the knowledge based sharing system and aim to write up a part for co-op programs (international) and also for university/college blackberry program whcih we can then collaborate on to make how we like it and tie it into the college program recommendations

you can email me on or (work email works faster for me to get it) if you want to chat today :)


  1. Sounds good Joel.
    Although, since my legal section turned out to be limited I took over the marketing section from Greg. I'll be talking about co-op programs within that section as it relates to attracted employees, so it might be redundant if we both talk about it.

  2. ok nice - i might have a few things to chip in like the blackberry program idea but we can collaborate on that at a later time :) i'll stay off that part for now though.

    thanks :)
