Friday, March 13, 2009


Do Nothing:
  • If RIM does nothing, they run the risk of falling behind other companies in their R&D.
  • The reporxt is all based around why we should do something, in order to keep RIM competitive

Expand in Waterloo:

  • It is part of Canada’s technology triangle, which is an ideal place for a business.
  • The principle R&D is already being done in Waterloo, expanding here means that it would all remain in one place.
  • They already have extensive co-op and internship programs with the University of Waterloo
  • Other competitors are also coming to the University of Waterloo to look for their employees, so the talent pool is getting smaller, and it’s becoming harder to get employees.
  • It may be hard to do a full expansion in Waterloo since it would be so difficult to find the required number of employees.
  • Since space is getting sparse in their current location, they would require more office space in Waterloo.

Expand in Cleveland, Ohio:

  • There are a number of top engineering Universities and Institutes in surrounding states.
  • A building would have to be leased, or built.
  • List some of the associated costs involved. (qualitative)
  • Employees from the Waterloo office will need to be relocated here, so that they can help with the training and set up.
  • Meets the criteria that there are other software/hardware companies in the area. (Criteria that RIM has used in the past.

Expand in Birmingham, United Kingdom:

  • There are a number of top engineering Universities within United Kingdom.
  • RIM’s UK head office is just outside of Birmingham.
  • Training could possibly be started here, while the building is under construction/being set up.
  • Birmingham is not relatively far from surrounding cities.
  • A building would have to b leased, or built.
  • List some of the associated costs involved.
  • Employees from the Waterloo office will need to be relocated here, so that they can help with the training and set up.
  • Meets the criteria that there are other software/hardware companies in the area. (Criteria that RIM has used in the past)

Also Joel, I will be emailing you later today with everyone's sections.



  1. nice one.

    I'll send you a list of the quantitive elements of the uk expansion option tonight or tomorow so you can have a look over them as well!


  2. I agree with Danielle...and in addition here is what I came up with:

    Do Nothing:

    • They are currently one of the lowest spenders as a percentage of revenue (Kind of ties in with the first point of Danielle’s)
    • Doing nothing isn’t an option as the resources in terms of potential employees and space is starting to decline in an industry where these things must increase to be successful.

    Expand in Waterloo:

    • There are surrounding Universities in the region and in Ontario where RIM can still try and recruit potential employees through a co-op where the students live in the Waterloo region.
    • There are Universities and colleges in Northern U.S where RIM can have a co-op program to bring the student to Waterloo to work for a period of time.
    • Staying in Waterloo may hinder RIM from finding potential employees and areas that will help them be the best company in the industry.
    • There would be less relocation costs because the current Waterloo staff is already in the area.

    Expand in Cleveland, Ohio:

    • The cost of building and living in Cleveland is lower than the average in the U.S where there are top ranked Universities near the location.
    • There are no offices near this site meaning there is no knowledge of this area and there will be relocation costs.
    • RIM doesn’t have a relationship with the state or the universities which may make the implementation a little harder.

    Expand in Birmingham, United Kingdom:

    • RIM had a better knowledge of the area since they have offices in areas near by.
    • Relocation costs may be less since there are some current employees already in the area.
    • RIM doesn’t have a relationship with the Universities, which may make implementation a little harder at first.
